Monday, February 6, 2012


Yesterday we had snow here in Holyport!  The kids LOVED it!  We thought we might only get a tiny bit, but there was a blanket of white... plenty to build a snowman (or, as Ryan preferred, a snow fort).  Ryan spent most of Sunday outside.  He did not even notice his freezing fingers!  Needless to say, we had several rounds of hot cocoa and this was another point for England in the kids' books!
The view from our window on Saturday night. It was an oddly bright night.

What we woke up to on Sunday morning.

We played in the snow before we even went to church.  Lanie built a snow-reindeer-man (?).

Ryan perfected the rolling up a snowball technique while building his fort.


  1. So glad you started this blog. Your move seems amazing! What an awesome life adventure! Looking forward to seeing more!

  2. i just had this moment of "I can't believe you LIVE there!!" :)
