Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Laundry in the UK

I'm learning to do some things differently since we arrived - and one of those things in LAUNDRY.  Now, I am grateful to have both a washing machine and a tumble dryer (not necessarily the norm around here) in our home.  However, these babies are (like many things here) pretty small and water "efficiency" means that it takes a long time to do a load. (See the timer on the photo?  Yep, that's 1:29 to wash one small load.)  As you can see, especially with all of the linens from our shipment arriving, we've got quite a build-up...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...I cannot believe how you have had to make SO MANY adjustments! You are definitely the right gal for the job :) I notice Bella and Lanie's matching striped blankets in the background...so sweet!
