Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sports at St. Piran's

In British terms, St. Piran's is a very "sporty" school.  As part of the regular curriculum, Lane has P.E. once a week, "games" twice a week (this means about an hour practice for the seasonal sport) and swimming once a week.  In her year, they have "A" and "B" teams competing against other schools in afterschool matches every week or two. 

All of this has been quite a transition for us.  While there are great aspects to the athleticism and learning good sportsmanship, it can also get really competitive (for the kids AND the parents).  I have to say that I've been particularly proud of Lane.  She's learned three new sports (netball, field hockey and rounders), always has a great attitude and tries her best.

Here's a look at some of the events we've had in the last weeks of school....

- St. Piran's Triathlon.  This was an optional event a couple of weekends ago, but Lane & Ryan wanted to join in the fun!  The course was really doable for Ryan - scooter lap, bike lap and a short sprint - and was really challenging for Lane (swim, bike & run at the standard triathlon distances for her age group).
- Year 3 Swim Gala.  This is when the Year 3 clans swim in a competition against each other.
- Lower School Sports Day.  This is a sports "decathlon" that includes events like the "shotput" (throwing beanbags).  Ryan really did well at all of the throwing events and received an award for outstanding effort!
- Middle School Sports Day.  Yesterday was the Middle School Sports Day.  This is usually an all-day Saturday event, but had to be postponed and shortened due to the rainy weather.  Again, the events are along the lines of a decathlon and, again, I was so proud of Lane... most of all for her great attitude and enthusiasm!

Lane crossing the triathlon finish line!

Year 3 Swim Gala

Lower School Sports Day


Red was the highest mark you could get!

Ryan & Cato (from Holland)
Middle School Sports Day

High Jump

Long Jump
Ryan's class came by to cheer on Lane!

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