Wednesday, March 14, 2012

St. Mark's

Today we made our first visit to the hospital.  This kiddo fell down playing after school and got a NASTY gash in his knee.  (Anyone else remember him falling just days before his birthday last year and getting stitches in his tongue?!)  We headed up to see the matron (nurse) at school who took one look at it and sent us off for stitches.  We said a prayer on the way over to the hospital that we would have a really nice person take care of Ryan and that all would go smoothly.  Our prayers were more than answered!  The urgent care was virtually empty when we arrived and we went in to see a lovely nurse named Liz who took great care of him.  She made it her goal to get him really well cleaned up and NOT need stitches.  Instead, she superglued him back together, which made him so happy!  That was plenty of adventure for all of us today...

1 comment:

  1. Totally brought me back to his snake happy he is ok :) xo
