Although not everything has been perfect at St. Piran's (I'll save that for another post...), the educational experiences that the children are having there are incredible. For the first half of this term, Lane has been working in her design technology class on a custom sandwich. Her sandwich is the Seven Stars and comes with a baguette, ham, turkey, cheese, lettuce, flora (margarine)... and pasta! She had to do taste tests with classmates to decide what combination would work best, design and create the packaging (complete with price, barcode and "use by" date), and put it all together. When she brought it home, she sold it to me (I negotiated her down to half price - pointing out that I had provided the ingredients for her to take to school) and she, Ryan and I all tried some. I have to say... it was pretty tasty!
Seven Stars Sandwich |
Baguette, Flora, Ham, Turkey, Cheese, Lettuce and Pasta! |
Ryan gave it a thumbs up! |
How awesome! I want my kids to go tot that school!