Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Mystery of the Missing Swimsuit

So, while there are many wonderful things about St. Piran's - no place is perfect.  Lane had her first brush with others' "imperfections" a few weeks ago...

When it came time for swim class, her bathingsuit was not in her bag.  However, another classmate found her name label on the classroom floor.  It had been clearly cut out of the bathingsuit.  :(

Our guess is that someone (who forgot their swimsuit and is of average size in Year 4), panicked and took Lane's suit.  We are choosing to believe that it was not someone who did it to her specifically for any reason.

The school handled it all very well - gathering the girls on more than one occassion and giving the culprit the chance to fess up, and giving anyone who knew anything the opportunity to anonymously write down that information.  The school also very quickly replaced the swimsuit at their expense.  Quite honestly, I think that the head of the middle school was a bit horrified at the whole situation. 

Unfortunately, the mystery is unresolved.   As a momma bear, I wanted the perpetrator to be found and punished.  However, Lane is pretty unfazed by the whole thing, so I'll (reluctantly) let it go...

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