Friday, September 14, 2012

The Start of School

Last week, the kids started school.  I have to admit, I was pretty excited (see photo).  We had a great summer break... playdates with friends, the Olympics, our trip back to the States, and then just enough time to adjust to being back in the UK before we were all ready to get back into the routine of school.

And now, at the end of the second week, my little girl (ahem, big girl) is off for a weekend with her classmates.  They are headed to an outdoor adventure camp to make apple cider, work as a team on a ropes course and fly through the air on a zip wire.  Unfortunately, she is just coming down with a cold - so I'm saying special prayers that she'll feel well and sleep well.  It was a little tough to see her go.  (Literally, it was a little tough because she wasn't looking out the window of the bus... She was already busy playing a card game with her seat partner.)  I think she'll have a great weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ludwigs! I've had so much fun catching up on your blog. It sounds like you guys are settling in well and having some once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Reading your posts brought many chuckles as I remembered having some of the same adjustments when we moved to England. We miss you guys!! Love, Lisa
