Well, my lack of blogging is evidence that weeks two and three in California were a whirlwind. It was a good whirlwind - packed full of fun, for sure - but left us with almost no time to catch our breath!
After our first long and relaxing week up by Malibu, we headed down to El Segundo. Five days was not nearly enough time to hang out with all of our dear friends there! We had full days with dentist and doctor appointments, then the kids had a great time spending their evenings at Vacation Bible School at OCF. My mom came for a few days to get some more time with the kids and we squeezed in a couple of extra visits with friends. Then we were off to Palm Springs!
Palm Springs has become an annual tradition, and we didn't want to miss it this year! I felt like a rechargeable battery soaking up the sun!
Then we headed back to Malibu (via the outlets!) to hang out with Mary Beth, Roy and Jaclyn and make our annual visit to Disneyland! We headed out early to get in line for the latest ride at Carsland and it was worth the wait! We drove back after dark for our last night in California.
On Thursday, we loaded up and, after a last visit with the cousins for dinner, got on the red-eye back to the UK. As we walked in the door, I can honestly say that it felt good to be
And now, we're starting to get back into the swing of things... The laundry has been going for three days. This afternoon, we made a fun trip to the Littlewick Fair. Tonight, we're hoping everyone will (finally) sleep through the night. Tomorrow, John is back to work. Next week, the kids are back in school. Good-bye summer, hello fall! (Ahem.... "autumn"!)
Lanie & Bella |
Ryan & AJ |
Lanie & Sarah at VBS |
The Girls in Palm Springs |
The Kids in Palm Springs |
Ryan's 1st time on Splash Mountain! | |
Malibu Sunset
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