It is hard to believe that our little girl just turned TEN! (It is almost as difficult to believe that Ryan is now the age that Lane was when we arrived.) To celebrate, Lane made two requests: roller-skating and a sleepover with the same crew as last year (+ one). So, a glow-in-the-dark rollerskating sleepover it was!
The girls arrived just in time to put on a coat of glow-in-the-dark nail polish and glow-in-the-dark tattoos before we headed over to the Magnet Leisure Centre for roller-skating. The girls donned glow-in-the-dark bracelets and necklaces along with laser rings for the roller disco, then we walked over to Pizza Hut for dinner.
After the movie, it was back to the house for an American Girl movie (with popcorn and drinks with glow-in-the-dark straws, of course) and, thankfully, some sleep. (The last ones were asleep well before midnight!)
In the morning, we took the whole crew to church before making the drop-off rounds! Then it was pre-season practice days and back to school as a ten-year-old!
Glow-in-the-Dark Sleepover |
Getting ready to GLOW! |
Roller-skating at the Magnet |
Pizza Hut |
Birthday Wishes |
Tabby, Izzy, Lane, Avani & Christina |
Making the drop-off rounds... |
Birthday Bear Photo |
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