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It struck me the other day that it's been a long winter. In fact, when you consider that England saw its worst summer in years... it's been a really long grey spell. (Although I am grateful that we all had some lovely sunny days in the States in August, that sure feels like a long time ago!)
A few weeks ago, I hit a wall... I looked ahead at our travel plans and thought, "Why the heck are we planning to go to Germany in March?!" So I made a reservation on the beach in Greece instead. It won't be beach weather yet in March, but it should be warmer than here! (If the kids can play in the sand while I sit on a chair in jeans and a sweatshirt to read a book, I'll be happy!)
Then cabin fever hit last week and Greece couldn't come soon enough. So, we are going to Barcelona for a few days in February. (Again, it won't be beach weather there either, but we have a much better chance of seeing the sun shine.) This was not in the original travel "plan" for 2013, but desperate times call for desperate measures...
You see, I think my batteries need recharging. I don't mind the sweaters and scarves (and have loved the excuse to acquire quite a collection of them), but my days need a little brightening. My skin needs to feel the kiss of the sun. My mood needs a little lift from some light. And while I am thankful that "The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine on us." (Psalm 118), I wouldn't mind if He would bring out Mr. Sun for a little visit...