In British terms, St. Piran's is a very "sporty" school. As part of the regular curriculum, Lane has P.E. once a week, "games" twice a week (this means about an hour practice for the seasonal sport) and swimming once a week. In her year, they have "A" and "B" teams competing against other schools in afterschool matches every week or two.
All of this has been quite a transition for us. While there are great aspects to the athleticism and learning good sportsmanship, it can also get really competitive (for the kids AND the parents). I have to say that I've been particularly proud of Lane. She's learned three new sports (netball, field hockey and rounders), always has a great attitude and tries her best.
Here's a look at some of the events we've had in the last weeks of school....
St. Piran's Triathlon. This was an optional event a couple of weekends ago, but Lane & Ryan wanted to join in the fun! The course was really doable for Ryan - scooter lap, bike lap and a short sprint - and was really challenging for Lane (swim, bike & run at the standard triathlon distances for her age group).
Year 3 Swim Gala. This is when the Year 3 clans swim in a competition against each other.
Lower School Sports Day. This is a sports "decathlon" that includes
events like the "shotput" (throwing beanbags). Ryan really did well at
all of the throwing events and received an award for outstanding effort!
Middle School Sports Day. Yesterday was the Middle School Sports
Day. This is usually an all-day Saturday event, but had to be postponed
and shortened due to the rainy weather. Again, the events are along
the lines of a decathlon and, again, I was so proud of Lane... most of
all for her great attitude and enthusiasm!
Lane crossing the triathlon finish line! |
Year 3 Swim Gala |
Lower School Sports Day |
"Shotput" |
Red was the highest mark you could get! |
Ryan & Cato (from Holland) |
Middle School Sports Day |
High Jump |
Long Jump |
Hurdles |
Ryan's class came by to cheer on Lane! |